Join ASC NHSN Group


Download iconDownload ASC NHSN Guidance: Join the Group, Review/Accept Data Rights Template, and Download Reports


Joining Leapfrog’s National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Group for ASCs is one of two options for authenticating your ambulatory surgery center for the purposes of requesting a security code to access the Online ASC Survey Tool.

In addition, ambulatory surgical centers (ASCs) are required to join Leapfrog’s NHSN Group for ASCs (ID: 57193) in order for Leapfrog to download data on the following measures included in Section 4B NHSN Outpatient Procedure Module of the 2024 Leapfrog ASC Survey:

  • Same day outcome measures: patient burns, falls, “wrong” event, and all-cause hospital transfer/admission
  • Surgical site infections for Infections for breast surgery (BRST), laminectomy (LAM), herniorrhaphy (HER), and knee prosthesis (KPRO) using an All SSI SIR model

Leapfrog will also be downloading a copy of your facility’s 2023 Outpatient Procedure Component (OPC) Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) Annual Facility Survey.


Data will be available on the ASC Details Page on July 12 and scored and publicly reported on July 25 for facilities that:

  • Join Leapfrog’s NHSN Group for ASCs and review/accept Leapfrog's Data Rights Template by June 20*,
  • Enter a valid NHSN ID in the Profile Section of the 2024 Leapfrog ASC Survey, and
  • Submit the 2024 Leapfrog ASC Survey by June 30

* Facilities are not required to “re-join” Leapfrog’s NHSN Group if they joined and conferred rights in previous Survey Cycles. However, all facilities must review their Rights Acceptance Report by the first NHSN join-by date of each Survey Cycle.


Deadlines and Reporting Periods

Join by Leapfrog will download data from
NHSN for all current group members on
Data downloaded from NHSN will be scored and publicly reported for ASCs that have submitted a Survey by SDOM and SSI Reporting Period Available on ASC Details Page and Public Reporting Website on
June 20, 2024 June 21, 2024 June 30, 2024 Latest 6 months prior to Survey submission

July 12, 2024 Details Page


July 25, 2024 Public Reporting Website

August 22, 2024 August 23, 2024 August 31, 2024 Latest 6 months prior to Survey submission September 9, 2024
October 23, 2024 October 24, 2024 October 31, 2024 Latest 6 months prior to Survey submission November 7, 2024
December 18, 2024 December 19, 2024* November 30, 2024 Latest 6 months prior to Survey submission January 8, 2025

* The Leapfrog ASC Survey closes on November 30, 2024. The last NHSN data download is on December 19, 2024 to incorporate any corrections facilities that joined by the last join date of December 18, 2024 may have made to their NHSN data since the last NHSN data download.

Leapfrog will download data four times, according to the dates and reporting periods listed in the table above, for all current members of Leapfrog's NHSN Group for ASCs that provide an accurate NHSN ID in the Profile Section and submit a 2024 Leapfrog ASC Survey.

Leapfrog recommends that ASCs follow the instructions provided in the "ASC NHSN Guidance: Join the Group, Review/Accept Data Rights Template, Download Reports" PDF linked at the top of this page and save copies of the 2023 Outpatient Procedure Component (OPC) Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) Annual Facility Survey and NHSN Reports on the same day that Leapfrog will be downloading the data from NHSN for all current group members.


Instructions for Joining Leapfrog's NHSN Group

Please download a copy of the above "ASC NHSN Guidance: Join the Group, Review/Accept Data Rights Template, and Download Reports" PDF on joining Leapfrog's NHSN Group for ASCs (refer to pages 4-8).


NHSN Supporting Materials


FAQs Regarding Joining Leapfrog's NHSN Group for ASCs

Q: What data is being requested?

A: The data being requested by Leapfrog is used to generate standardized infection ratios for surgical site infections within NHSN. It is also used to obtain information on your facility's same day outcome measures. Immediately after joining the Group, the facility will be taken to a screen listing the data that the Group is requesting access to, referred to as the “Data Rights Template.”  A selected radio button or a checked box in the template indicates that a particular piece of data is being requested by the Group. The Data Rights Template will automatically include all applicable procedures. The facility must select the “Accept” button at the bottom of the screen in order to accept the template of data rights and share data with Leapfrog.

Q: How will the data be used?

A: The data will be used to score your facility and provide results for Section 4B NHSN Outpatient Procedure Component Module in the 2024 Leapfrog ASC Survey.

Q: Will Leapfrog be collecting patient identifiers?

A: No, Leapfrog will not be collecting any patient identifiers. When reviewing the Data Rights Template, ASCs will see that we are requesting patient data “without any identifiers.

Q: Will the data be shared with other members of the NHSN group?

A: No, an ASC that joins a group does not have access to any data from other facilities in the group. Data will only be shared with Leapfrog

Q: Who from our facility needs to complete the "join group" process in NHSN?

A: An administrative-level NHSN user is needed to join a Group within NHSN and complete the "Confer Rights" process.

Q: After joining the NHSN Group, what else is required?

A: When an ASC first joins the group they are asked to “confer rights” to the Leapfrog Group, which specifies the data that would be shared with Leapfrog. Leapfrog has set up a Data Rights Template, which specifies the data we are requesting. Leapfrog requires that all ASCs in Leapfrog's NHSN Group review their Rights Acceptance Report annually, before the June 20, 2024 NHSN join-by-date. In addition to joining Leapfrog’s NHSN Group for ASCs, facilities must provide a valid NHSN ID in the Profile Section, and submit a 2024 Leapfrog ASC Survey by June 30. ASCs will be able to view the data that is being pulled into their Leapfrog ASC Survey by accessing their ASC Details Page on July 12. ASCs need to download their reports and a copy of their 2023 Outpatient Procedure Component (OPC) Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) Annual Facility Survey from NHSN on the same day as Leapfrog to ensure that the SSI and SDOM data downloaded by Leapfrog is accurate. See important dates and deadlines in the table above as well as the PDF "ASC NHSN Guidance: Join the Group, Review/Accept Data Rights Template, and Download Reports."

Q: Will Leapfrog notify ASCs if the Data Rights Template is updated and they need to re-accept it within NHSN?

A: Yes, Leapfrog will e-mail the NHSN administrator of each facility that is a member of our NHSN group if we update the Data Rights Template. ASCs will be prompted to review the updated Data Rights Template and re-accept it when the NHSN administrator logs into NHSN. Failure to do so will result in leaving Leapfrog’s NHSN Group and Leapfrog will no longer be able to obtain NHSN data for your facility on the surgical site infection measures and the same day outcome measures. 

Q: How often is Leapfrog updating the data? Won't regular updating cause changes to the data?

A: Leapfrog will obtain data from NHSN four times. This allows Leapfrog to obtain data for new ASCs that may not join the NHSN Group by the first deadline and to use the most current data. The reporting period for the same day outcome measures and surgical site infections is the latest 6 months prior to Survey submission. Within a reporting period, an ASC’s data would only change if they update the surveillance or survey data submitted for that reporting period within NHSN.

Q: Who should ASCs contact if they have other questions?

A: Please contact Leapfrog’s Help Desk: Some questions may need to be re-directed to NHSN - Toll-free: (877) 671-2901 or Email:

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