What is patient safety? This video explains.
The Leapfrog Blog
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We’re honored to dedicate the Judie Burrows Education Institute in honor of Judie Burrows, who was a healthy, active 69-year-old when she went for routine hip surgery but was plagued with countless medical errors that eventually stole her life.
Having a baby is one of life’s most exciting experiences, but the type of care received in the hospital can vary greatly. Women and families should use Leapfrog's Hospital Survey results to consider which hospital they’d like to use for their child’s delivery.
In hospital care, few issues are as critical as ensuring accurate and timely diagnoses. Diagnostic errors can have profound and sometimes devastating consequences for patients and their families. At The Leapfrog Group, we are dedicated to advancing patient safety and improving diagnostic practices across the health care system.
In the evolving landscape of health care, understanding the true cost of care goes beyond just the numbers on a bill. The Leapfrog Group's Lives & Dollars Lost Calculator is a tool for employers and other health care purchasers to assess the broader economic and human impact of medical errors within their organizations. This blog post delves into how this calculator works and why it’s a game-changer for organizations seeking to improve health care outcomes for employees and manage costs.
In our increasingly complex health care landscape, where patient safety is paramount, a recent study has shed light on a concerning but often overlooked area: outpatient adverse events.
Conducted by Boston-based researchers, this study delves into the prevalence, severity, and underreporting of adverse events that occur outside of traditional inpatient hospital settings.
Understanding Outpatient Adverse Events
In December 2023, leaders and other stakeholders from across the health care spectrum gathered for a special session at Leapfrog Annual Meeting called "Conversations to Transform Tomorrow." This interactive event focused on pivotal questions shaping the future of patient safety and how Leapfrog can continue to grow its efforts. Below is a summary of the key takeaways and ideas exchanged during the session.
Enhancing Consumer Engagement with Leapfrog Data
The hospital a patient chooses for care can literally be a life-or-death decision. Over 500 people die every single day in the United States from errors in hospitals—many of which are fully preventable. Hospitals that do better on the Hospital Safety Grade have good systems in place to protect patients from errors, accidents, and infections.